The IMPRINT Coalition membership application period is now open. Join us to advance public policies and programs that support the inclusion of immigrants and those who have experienced forced migration.


The IMPRINT Coalition supports policies and programs that ensure equitable access to opportunity for immigrants and those who have experienced forced migration.


IMPRINT envisions a United States that recognizes and values the education, experience, and expertise of all people and promotes inclusive communities.

Our Core Values


Fostering welcoming workplaces, educational institutions, and communities


Advancing equitable policies and practices


Valuing credentials and experience


Building partnerships to promote systemic change


Ensuring pathways to good quality jobs and education

About Us

The IMPRINT coalition is comprised of service providers, advocates, and educational institutions committed to removing barriers to economic mobility for immigrants and refugees. Learn more about IMPRINT members.

Our Members

Expanding Our Reach

IMPRINT is proud to welcome 14 new member organizations, all working to advance policies and amplify programs that support economic inclusion. Read more about our new members here.

Policy Advocacy

More than two million immigrants and refugees with a college degree are currently unemployed or underemployed; sixty percent hold credentials earned in other countries. Read about the systemic barriers driving these trends—and IMPRINT’s work to address them.

Learn More